Exercising Dominion (Day 2) – Rev. Funke Felix-Adejumo

Words from God:

1) In 2022, I will do you good.

2) I will deal well with you. Genesis 32:9, 12

Exercising Dominion

God is a very good God. Psalm 73:1 In the beginning, God created a good garden in Eden and gave man dominion over it. Man sinned yet God still cared for them Genesis 3:21. Contradictions can never cancel the covenant because God is good. 2022 is the year of “God is my helper”. God will send you strategic, capable and on-time helpers (Amen!)

God is always looking out for your good. Samson messed up, yet in Judges 16:28-30 he called on God and He answered him. God is not looking for your downfall, rather, He is looking out for your good. Exodus 3:7-8 God’s got your back. He is your back-up who does not back out.

(Micah 7:18-20) God is fantastically strategic about you. Look at the wonder of your body systems! Your brain has the storage capacity of 5 million years of the Wall Street Journal! However, what you do know is of no benefit to you. Awareness is the highest form of light. Psalm 139:14-16. When God created you, He spoke. Genesis 1:26-28. He pronounced dominion at the point of creation.

(Psalm 115:16) You must understand that Heaven belongs to God but the earth has been given to the sons of men including you. Look at the majesty of the aircraft. The Wright Brothers exercised their dominion by creating the airplanes that defy the law of gravity.

How to Exercise Dominion:

1) Your Thoughts

How you think. Read the book “As a man thinketh”. You are what you think. It is so simple that you can miss it. Everything you have today was just a thought. Energy transmutes. Thought is a creative energy. Thoughts transmutes.

The entire universe is governed by laws and laws are universal. Genesis 8:22 Laws are impersonal regardless of who you are, e.g. if you jump up, you must come down because of the law of gravity. For the aircraft to fly, it did not change the law of gravity, it only introduced higher laws like the law of aerodynamics, the law of drag, the law of pull etc.

Your clothes used to be someone’s thoughts. If you do not know how to think, you will never exercise dominion. Everything in life is a product of someone’s thoughts.

(Ephesians 3:20) Thinking is the starting point of dominion. Proverbs 23:7 Stop envying people, face your life and start thinking.

2) Your Association

Be intentional about the company you keep. Relationships do expire. Don’t seat with people who demean you. If you can continue to behold it, you will become it.

Take dominion, think and do something. You matter! What you are gifted for is superior to what you were trained for. Do something with your gifting and take dominion.


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