A Review of ‘Compelled By Love’ By Heidi Baker

The book brings to life the upside-down journey of a couple from Germany. Rejecting their condo for a hermitage somewhere in an African slum. Rejecting their gold for wood. Led by God to lead a life of service in Mozambique.

One is easily touched by the poignant conversational-like style of the narrator. The book does not attempt to sweep us off our feet by fascinating heroic seeking exploits. Rather, it shows what God can do with ordinary people who commit their lives wholly to him.

Heidi got born again and received a prophecy about healing the blind. Unfortunately, the first few times she tried, nothing happened. Did she give up? No. Did she lose her conviction? Of course not. She showed steadfastness and grit, knowing God is able to perform His words, if not instantly but eventually.

It is one of the toughest places to be. A third world country ravaged by constant war, poverty and harsh reality. These missionaries, Heidi and Rolland Baker dared the odds for Christ. And at a point, having over 302 children in their care, they were afflicted by the loss of their home and had to seek refuge at their small office.

As if that was not bad enough, Rolland and their daughter battled serious medical conditions. Yet, they stood as bridges, bringing God and His love to men, women and children, especially the poorest of them; fulfilling the scriptures: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for they shall inherit the kingdom of God.”

It is interesting that while these God-sent missionaries saw destitute men and women relish the joy of salvation and experience miraculous healings, they were battling personal afflictions. Through the pages of the book, the reader also begins to feel compelled and overwhelmed by the love of Christ in no small measure.

Beatrice and Constancia are two of the numbers that the ministry of love and healing nursed back to life. Beatrice for one was found under a tree, dying from scabies and lice. She was carried and tenderly cared for with love, to the detriment of Heidi, who caught the infections. Yet she wouldn’t give up on Beatrice.

Constancia was another case of restoration by love. She was so battered she was mute during her baptism. Her muteness was a direct consequence of several abuses, no parents and the harsh realities around her. But she was also transformed by the exemplary Christ-like nature of Heidi.

Furthermore, the book also touches on The Beatitudes through the experiences of the missionaries. In pain, in the death of 8 of the children at a time, in the despair of lack, in persecution by news agencies and government, in being shot at 5 times, in cyclone; flood, missiles and destruction of lives and properties—all were endured and the light of Christ reaches out bright and relentless.

We got vivid pictures of the life a Christian is called to lead—a life of love. We are prisoners of love and we are to learn to love. Appended to the chronicles of these missionaries are the powerful words of Mother Teresa: We are called to a life of commitments.

Finally, it is with great emphasis that the book establishes that a minister should embrace “Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit”, being “Unstoppable in Love” and bearing “The Cup of Suffering and Joy” as well as letting Christ alone be “Our Dwelling Place”.

PS: It is not too late to get a copy of the book to read. You will be more than glad you did.


Grace and Blessings!

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